Invidia, the crucial new group formed by former and current members of In This Moment, Five Finger Death Punch and Skinlab, have signed to Steamhammer / SPV to release their masterpiece debut album ‘As The Sun Sleeps’ on March 31st.
‘As The Sun Sleeps’ is an awesome, outstanding collection of eleven stunning songs that not only land with phenomenal force but skewer the listener with ruthless hooks and titanic riffs. While the ten-legged Las Vegas based wrecking crew certainly bring elements of their other bands to Invidia’s sound this is a beast that truly stands apart.
“While what we’re doing is still ‘metal’ there were no rules when we started this band,” says vocalist Travis Johnson, who formerly fronted Flatline and currently handles bass duties for In This Moment. “The mixing of ideas and styles worked for us because we let it, and every song is different from the last. Not having to ‘stay in the box and write the same stuff everyone already likes’ was pure gold, and an exhilarating opportunity for us all.”
The band’s origins date back to December 2015, when Johnson and former Skinlab guitarist Brian Jackson, friends for years who had never collaborated musically before, hooked up and wrote 3 songs in 3 days. As soon as producer Logan Mader (Fear Factory, Soulfly, Gojira, Machine Head, Once Human) heard the demos he immediately booked studio time and began “hashing out” musical ideas with the guys.

Logan recalls that “Brian and Travis came to me with the idea to start this band on January 1, 2016. They had a few tunes in the works already, but it was just two guys and an idea. Brian was ready to pull the trigger on a full album so we jumped in the studio on the first week of January and started putting the record together. We all wrote the record together. I connected really well with Brian and Travis on a creative level. It was a very cool, fun and spontaneous way to make a record.”
As soon as former Five Finger Death Punch bassist Matt Snell heard what was going down, he enthusiastically offered his services and drummer Darren Badorine, who had previously collaborated with Johnson, was also drafted into the fold. Next came Brian’s ex Skinlab bandmate, Marcos Medina; “When we were looking for a second guitarist Brian said ‘dude, why didn’t I think of this sooner – I’ve got the perfect guy! Hang on lemme call him!’ That was it, super smooth and easy and the band was going. It was like it was ‘meant to be’” (Johnson).
While a core sound unites the tracks on ‘As The Sun Sleeps’, the band gleefully crash through sub-genre walls, embracing everything from industrial sludge to Bay Area thrash, a boot placed firmly up the ass of everything they do. Travis states that “Of course we set out to make a killer record, but what made it so unique was the way everyone worked together. We all trust Logan without question, we all knew him or had worked with him previously. It was a really positive, comfortable environment to create in, so the music just evolved really fast but at the same time smoothly, and it was a fun, exciting experience.”
Logan Mader says; “I loved working on this album! Invidia's sound has huge balls while maintaining a great sense mass appeal with big hooks and heavy grooves. Producing records like this are the ones that make my job fun and inspiring.”
In tandem with constantly switching things up musically, Johnson covers a variety of subjects in his lyrics, adding to the emotional resonance of the record. “There are songs like ‘Making My Amends’, which is about getting sober. Then there’s ‘Smell The Kill’, which is about being a sniper, and ‘Marching Dead’, which is about the dead rising and taking over the world, while ‘Truth In The Sky’ is about being a liar and being outed for it. Like with the music there were no rules.”
‘Feed The Fire’, the first single, released on February 3rd (for which a video has already been filmed, directed by Brian Cox), is about the repetitive cycle of addiction.